Tenth Month
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(November 2011)
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It is Christmas!!!!

I turned 10th month while in Florida, in Orlando to be exact, under a big storm and tornado watch. The lightening and thunder scared me, but I am OK now. We had a get together with the God Parents on the 25th when we returned home and got a lot of cute presents.

I hope that I stop breast feeding and start eating real food, I do occasionally eat meat, chicken and a bit of rice.. but I know that I have to give up milk sooner or later.

O do cute things with my finger.. I point at everything before I grab it.

I still take about 3 long naps during the day, go to bed around 8pm and need to eat about twice during the night, then I get up at 7 to bother my parents for a while, then I go sleep again.

My dad feeds me cheerios and we watch Animal Planet until I fall sleep again.

 Click on the image to enlarge it, clique na imagem para amplia-la

  • Many more pictures of my Florida trip, click here
  • Mais fotos da viagem para Florida clique aqui

I like to sleep like this