Dad's Digital Services
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2/24/02 13:01 PST
I arrived!!!
13:01 2/24/02 - Julio Roberto Morales arrives at the St.
Vincent's hospital in Portland, OR 8.11 oz and 21 3/4 inches.
13:01 24/2/02 - Julio Roberto Morales nasce to hospital
St. Vincent em Portland, OREGON, EUA 3.05kg 0.54cm
videos are here, os videos estão aqui. Clique aqui
Many more picture here
Click on the Play button to play videos. Clique
no botão > (play) para iniciar video
Just click on my picture and I will get bigger
Clique na imagem e eu aumento de tamanho
Just click on my picture and I will get bigger
Clique na imagem e eu aumento de tamanho
- The day that I was born, many years ago this stuff happened:
- 1955 Steven Jobs' birthday (humm..not sure about that)
- 1979 Highest price ever paid for a pig, $42,500,
Stamford TX
- 1981 Britain's Prince Charles announces engagement to
Lady Diana Spencer
- 1991 US & allies begin a ground war assault on
Iraqi troops
- 1995 Dow-Jones hits record 4011.74
- 2002 XIX winter Olympics closes in Salt Lake City UT/Québec
Here it starts... the first pictures of the little baby.. probably his name
will be Julio Roberto Morales but we need to agree on this. Today 11/Oct we
found out that it will be a boy.
Aqui começa o album de fotos do neném.. hoje 11/outubro ficamos sabendo que
é uma cria macha.
Clique nas imagens para ampliá-la (click on the image to enlarge it)
Hello visitor
hope to see you when I get out of here